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Inspirational Archives - The Jar of Salt

What Will Make You Draw Again?

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When I was a kid, I automatically thought that I was an artist. 🙂 I was proud of my messy handiwork, and thought that my drawings were sheer masterpiece.  Yet now, I seem to think twice (or even thrice?) if the art is worth being seen by anyone other than myself.  Or if it’s even worth being called art at all.

calligraphy class singapore

These days, I find myself making one piece of art everyday.

Yes.  (Almost) every single day, weekends included.  I surprise myself at the renewed energy.  From nothing to everything 🙂

It’s not perfect, my drawings can still be flawed but it’s definitely something.  And in art, something is always better than nothing.

So what made me draw again?

A fantastic support team!  And the strange thing is this virtual “support team” consists of people whom I’ve never really met!


When I first joined WP two years ago, I lamented about the lack of art in my life.  Then one post led to the next, one comment after another.  And it got the ball rolling.  I managed to produce my first sketch after five years.  And it was uphill from thereon.


I found a group on Facebook that is rooted in a 52-week challenge, propelling us to product one piece of illustration following a weekly theme.  I joined this because I wanted to see other people’s art.  But before I knew it, I started catching up midway and spending more time over my sketchbook, more than I can ever remember.


I started taking art classes for the first time in my life other than the default subjects I took in school.  It started with printmaking. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel motivated or challenged enough in class 🙁 So I hope to revisit this someday as I still have a lot of printing ink in my work room 😮

Then just two Saturdays ago, I took my very first calligraphy class.  It’s a skill I thought I can never learn (or even enjoy!) because of my messy penmanship 😀  But with proper instruction and like-minded people, I’ve been on a roll ever since!

For those who’ve hit a bit of a snag, just ride out the silence for a bit.  Then start small — be it a nicely-written grocery list (that’s how I got started in creative lettering!), drawing random stick people on the corner of the newspaper, adding color to a homemade cookie, a hand-written note for a friend, a practice stitch on a sample cloth, or even just splattering paint on a piece of  paper.

What matters most, I believe, is to just make.
