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5 Reasons Why You Should Read “Creative Block” By Danielle Krysa

By June 15, 2015 No Comments

Creative Block book The Jealous Curator 1

It’s not everyday that I come across a book that is after my own heart — every single page, cover to cover.  Danielle Krysa (aka The Jealous Curator) is a story in itself, one that all 50 featured artists in the book speak of.  It’s been a long, long time since I’ve picked up a book so engaging that it’s the first thing I read while having breakfast (and the only thing I read throughout the day when I’m free!).

Here are 5 reasons why I BELIEVE every person who has tried creating (professional artists and artists-at-heart alike) should definitely have “Creative Block” in their collection:

Reason #1: Danielle Krysa

Find out why she’s called “The Jealous Curator” and you will understand why the book and the author are one and the same — and that ultimately, we are just like her, too 🙂 By the way, I’ve only met her through social media and I already think she’s an incredible human being.

Reason #2: Pictures. LOTS of pictures!

One of the best ways to be inspired (or jealous, whichever it is you choose) is to see other people’s breathtaking work.  The book is packed with images that draws the reader instantly into the world of every artist, designer, illustrator, painter and sculptor Danielle interviewed.

Reason #3: These artists are human.

With our bellowing voice of self-doubt crippling our fullest potential, this book opens our eyes to the world of prolific and creative professionals.  “Creative Block” is a collective story, humbling tales of otherwise ordinary people who talk about their work, the artists whom THEY are jealous of, dealing with negative (and scathing!) remarks and their creative process.

Reason #4: The book is easy on the eyes.

The size of the book makes it easy to appreciate full-color art spreads. Moreover, what I enjoyed most was that it was a quick read, where around 3 pages are dedicated per artist in a Q&A style of writing.

Reason #5: It is packed with practical advice and easy-peasy projects to do.

Every artist featured in this book provides a Creative UNblock activity, nothing too overwhelming actually.  I’ve tried a couple myself and they encourage you to think out of the box by looking at the mundane in a different way, and using whatever is already physically available in your life.

Here are two of the projects I’ve tried thus far:

1.  Creative UNblock #26 from Jessie Draxler: gather ordinary things from around the house, place them together and take a photo.  I went through my paper bin and found this crumpled foil from my acrylic palette and placed it beside a Dalí coffee mug.

Danielle Krysa book Creative Block

2.  Creative UNblock #04 by Cassandra Smith: make a little sculpture out of a found object.  My take on this is drawing my dog Jones around some used corks I found on a shelf. Wa-chaaaa!

how to use an old wine cork

For those unfamiliar with my earlier posts, click my ABOUT page and find out why this book means a lot to me.  “Creative Block” has become a friend of sorts that I can turn to when in need of some delicious creative replenishment.

Have a succulent day and get those creative juices flowing now!

PS. No, this is not a paid post, in case you’re wondering. I just really, REALLY loved the book 🙂

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