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Creativity Archives - Page 3 of 5 - The Jar of Salt

So You Didn’t Go To Art School

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Well, neither did I.

And that’s okay.

Because it never stopped me from doing professional work as an artist.

Gosh, my head is bursting  with thoughts and ideas that it’s actually paralyzing so I’m gonna clear some cobwebs and all the clutter in my head by writing this out.

Or maybe… I’ll just bake bread?

Okay, fine!  I’ll write.

I’ll write.

So I finished with a degree in BA Psychology and if I had to live my life all over again, I would still choose to spend my four years researching, experimenting and reading all things Psychology. The one thing I would change, however, is that I would take non-academic art classes outside of university and start the actual doing of art immediately, and not procrastinate for 7 years (12 years, if you include the creative block).

Throughout my life, inside and outside of school, I’ve always been regarded as an artist, probably even before I could write.

But to be a working artist?

That was never an option back in the day. In fact, it wasn’t even considered a profession professional enough.   I was told that I would finish my degree and I was, in a way, pretty much expected to work in a “good” company where I would also retire.

Thinking about it, the idea just leaves a funny taste in my mouth.

However, I happily finished my Psychology degree, one which I enjoyed thoroughly and continue to be passionate about. But I’ve worn many hats since I finished school. Eight hats, if I’m not mistaken.  I have worked full time in a high school, a modeling agency, an international bank, a boarding school, a PR agency and  eventually juggled freelance art  with part-time hours in a modeling school and even a culinary school.  I also did food writing for some time which led me to start a food blog (hence, jarofsalt.com), and even had a radio stint for month as a news announcer. Heck, I even got certified to teach Stott pilates  two years ago.

Yet in all those years, I never really stopped making art. Whether it was made for myself or commissioned by a client, art was always my natural groove.

To eventually do what I really wanted to do (a late start at 27) and do art professionally was met with labels, resistance, that I was rebelling and that I was lost.

On the contrary, committing to make art as a profession was when I truly found myself.

colorful jars of paint

So, now what? You want to do art but there are probably a million and one reasons to not make art. But should the lack of art degree hold you back?

I think not.

In the era of the internet, there are so many ways to invent and reinvent yourself.

How does one become an artist in this day and age, then?

1. Be and Make.

It’s hard to be an artist if you’re not making anything at all. This makes sense, doesn’t it? Don’t pressure yourself, though.  No one expects you to make the next Sotheby-worthy masterpiece tomorrow (but feel free to do so if you can!). Start with doodling on the margins of your books. Make circles on your notebook. Draw a flower. ANY flower. So really, the first step to calling yourself an artist is to be one.

And that starts with making.

2. Commune.

I’ve spoken of my creative block many times over but what was the first step to break the ice?

I joined WordPress in 2011 and started blogging.  When I first joined WP five years ago, I lamented about the lack of art in my life.  Then one post led to the next, one comment after another.  And it got the ball rolling.  I managed to produce my first sketch after five years.  And things started rolling ever since.

There are also so many creativity, sketching, drawing and art groups on Facebook. I suggest you type in those words and see what shows up and resonates with you and your preferred medium. Discussions can be amazing, so much to learn, and sometimes all you need is a regular art challenge to get the juices flowing.

With social media, you can also follow artists who inspire you.  Many of them are active in real time.  Comment or write them an email.  Many of them will happily respond, you’ll be surprised 🙂

3. Learn.

The very first art class I took was for pottery, in 2006. And one of the things I did to break the ice after my creative block later on was to take another live class as well. This time it was for  printmaking. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel motivated or challenged enough in class 🙁 So I hope to revisit this someday as I still have a lot of printing ink in my work room 😮

I also tried my hand (literally) in calligraphy .  It’s a skill I thought I can never learn (or even enjoy!) because of my messy penmanship. But with proper instruction and like-minded people, it can be done.  My calligraphy obsession was short-lived but it lead me to Instagram to share my work.

And my social media life has never been the same ever since 🙂

Also, thanks to the internet you can learn all sorts of creative things from the comforts of your own home.  Check out online art classes from Creative Bug, Skillshare and even Lynda if you’re doing digital.  Also, find other artists to follow because many of them give online instruction.

There are a lot of free classes out there so maximize them, especially on YouTube.  However, I highly recommend saving and spending on some of the paid classes because quality education is truly worth having, no matter how small.

4. Read. A lot.

I haven’t read fiction and novels in years but I constantly buy art and design books. And magazines! Even though some of them are more expensive than a book.  And that’s because fine quality art and design magazines are produced with the content direction of a book.  Frankly, I don’t like reading highly visual material through a screen because  I’m a tactile reader and I like making notes and marks as I use them for reference as I work. Look for inspiring publications like Flow, Uppercase, Frankie and Anorak.

I remember a successful artist who told me to invest in art books. The more, the better. I whined, “It’s so expensive!”.

His reply was simple, “Why, how much do you think  would you have spent if you went to art school?”

That moment changed my perspective forever.

5. Promote yourself.

Before  online everything and social media, I found  art circles to be very cliquish. I still do, to be honest.  When I started in 2002, everyone was at the mercy of print editors to get your name and work out there. It was so hard to reach out to editors and it usually helped to have someone refer you first.  Yes, I’ve done cold calls to media heads back in the day and they proved to be very fruitful.  It was only when my art started to circulate among publications that my career kicked off.  Eventually, editors and producers were the ones requesting  to work together.

Nowadays, it’s so different. If you post your work on Facebook or Pinterest, friends can easily share your work. Before you know it, one thing leads to another and then you blink: your art is already out there.  Know this however: promoting myself makes me feel icky. But it has to be done and you will find a voice that you will eventually be comfortable with without being in-your-face salespitchy. 🙂

Not all platforms work for everyone, though. Some find their voice in Twitter, others on Pinterest. Many on Facebook.   In my case, Instagram is the one that catapulted my work and helped instil a structure in the way I do things creatively.    If you’re trying to build a system to strengthen your social media presence, check out this course by Melissa Camillieri.    I highly recommend it, seriously.

Sit on this and think about what you want to do with your art, whether you want to be paid for your services or simply want to do it for your own pleasure. Heck, you don’t even have to share it if you don’t want to.

But whatever you do, start small.  Be it a nicely-written grocery list, drawing random stick people on the corner of the newspaper, adding color to a homemade cookie, a hand-written postcard for a friend, a practice stitch on a sample cloth, or even just splattering paint on a piece of  paper for no reason at all.

What matters most, I believe, is to just make.

What Happens When You Commit To Your Creative Process

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In one of her talks, Lisa Congdon mentioned a “painting curve” which looks like the letter “U”.  My process EVERY SINGLE TIME: start with giddy excitement as I begin with the first strokes and slather the first layers of color then midway I just want to hurl it against a wall or rip it to shreds because it starts to look nothing like what I see in my head.


But only recently I learned to soldier on through that uncomfy, awkward and antsy phase instead of chucking it in the bin. In the end, there is that sense of accomplishment in concluding a piece, even if I’m not always 100% happy with it ?


And this is what a sketchbook looks like when you commit to that process: every single page covered with complete illustrations, no ripped pages whatsoever.

An entire sketchbook that I finished intact end to end.

I learned the full meaning of one word when I used to go wall-climbing: commit.

Whenever I would hit a snag and hesitate and shout “I can’t! Bring me down!” to the one belaying from below, he would shout back “You kidding? Just commit!”.  Even other climbers nearby would chorus the same thing and shout “Commit! Just commit!”.  I quickly learned  that what they were telling me was simply this: Do not hesitate. Let go and release the grip of one hand so you can reach up with the other and move along, flailing and all.

So today, I apply the same principles in soldiering through my creative process.

Simply commit and allow yourself to be pushed in the direction your work is taking you.  Yes, there will be a lot of discomfort  but it’s an artist’s form of growing pains.



How Do Schools Kill Creativity?

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“Do schools kill creativity?”

When I first heard the profoundly entertaining words and witty perspective of Sir Ken Robinson, I almost cried. I post my creative process for people seeking their place in the sun, imperfections and all. Here is a man who said it all for me.

People’s unhappiness and confusion can be attributed to a general educational system that kills creativity, according to Sir Ken Robinson.

I remember how I used to get very mediocre grades in 4th grade, simply because I couldn’t remember the myriad of names in the muscular and skeletal system. I also recall how I was sent to the guidance counselor during my senior year because my teachers were concerned that I was not paying attention, that I was always, as they would say, “spaced out”.  I also needed to draw in my notebooks so I could understand what’s going on, and survived school by getting bonus points with my drawings in reports (Kids, back then we had no ClipArt gallery and no Google images!). The only reason I liked Math was when I got to draw shapes, angles and graphs using colored pens but I still almost failed anyway.

My math skills only improved when I started earning my own money after university, and my intelligence in science kicked off as soon as I started mixing artist’s solvents and when I started baking bread. I was also a late bloomer as a reader because I only liked Tintin comics, and colorful books with lots of pictures. I cheated through my book reports by spinning off stories from the summaries at the back (which my teachers saw through!).

Sir Ken Robinson raises an interesting point: that professors shouldn’t be the hallmark of success or intelligence because most of the time, they live in their heads. We have an educational system that works on everything waist up. Everything academic, everything cerebral is given much weight. He also mentioned that in 30 years, degrees will probably be useless and obsolete.

I actually believe him.

He mentions back in the day a diploma guaranteed him a job. Now, you need an MA because the BA isn’t good enough. The jobs that require the MA now need a PhD. He observes that you now have a bunch of people with sparkling degrees who stay at home andplay video games all day.

So now what?

As expected, I was never encouraged to be an artist or a writer because they said I will starve for the rest of my life. As a former educator in a mainstream school, I felt bad when students with mediocre grades in major subjects are regarded as a big joke by no less than the teachers themselves. I joined the educational system in hopes of finding students who are just like me and do better in their lives sooner than I did.                                                    

Although I became a working part-time artist at 27, I stopped a few years later when I hit a creative slump, riddled myself with debilitating self-doubt and one colossal creative block that spanned almost 5 years.   It was only in 2012 that I gratefully picked myself up, and rebooted my art career.  At almost 40, I have just begun working once again as a professional painter and artist.

And a full-time artist. Finally.

He also shares the extraordinary story of Gillian Lynne, the famous choreographer of “Cats” who was considered a below-par student who kept fidgeting and lacked focus. She was brought to a doctor by her mother to be examined for behavior. Her mother narrated Gillian’s “problems” to the doctor. Later on, the good doctor asked the mother to step outside with him so they could discuss privately. He turned the radio on and left the room. Then, he told Gillian’s mom to look inside the room to see Gillian dancing to the music playing all around the room. He advised her to send Gillian to a dancing school: “Your daughter is a dancer. Send her to a dance school.” And when she went to dance school, she saw everyone was just like her — kids who had to keep moving in order to learn.

Let the children dance, sing, cook, paint, sculpt, write and whatever it is that makes their hearts sing. People are not machines where data can simply be encoded, programmed, controlled and re-calibrated. We have feelings, we can taste, smell, hear, feel and see things.

If only we let the child’s imagination, senses and creativity flourish, change everywhere will be massive.

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A List Of My Drawing Pens

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I always get asked on Instagram what materials I use for my illustrations. So, here we go. A list of the blacks pens for drawing that sit on my desk right now.

pens for drawing

Calligraphy brush pen (whose name I can’t read)

I picked this up in Kinokuniya, if I recall correctly. But I’ve seen them in regular bookstores as well around Singapore, amongst the paintbrushes and bottles of black calligraphy ink.  I like using this for some of my bolder illustrations because of the varying line width it produces in my strokes.  It gives my work a more fluid look, which I love.  The good thing is I’ve seen these come in different sizes as well though I choose to use this wider one.

Stabilo Greenpoint

I love how this pen glides so smoothly. No, not all pens are created equal and not all pens glide smoothly across different paper textures. This one does.  I use it for lettering and I like how it doesn’t bleed and does not look too bold considering it’s a felt tip pen. Best of all, this pen is made of 98% recycled plastic so you’re doing Mother Earth a big favor!

A stubby writing pen called iSign 0.7

I bought this on a whim because it’s short and fits nicely in the small pockets of my bag.  However, ink tends to flow too much while writing that it produces lines which look bolder than a 0.8 pigment pen. And it bleeds through the paper causing messy blobs on the other side. This happens even if the sheets I use are relatively heavy  The only reason why I bought this was because of its size and for random bits of writing grocery lists and such.

Staedtler Pigment Liner 0.8

Permanent, archival and waterproof are three things I look for in a drawing pen.  Why? Because I don’t want my lines to smudge once I start layering it with colors.  Things like felt-tip pens, brush pens and other colored inks will make your black lines run unless they use this type of ink.  Of all the disposable lightfast pens I use, this is the pricier one thus far.

Pigma Micron 0.5

Another archival pen, Microns also come in various nibs and have proven to be very reliable as part of my pen selection.  Waterproof and indelible, it comes in handy if you like layering your work with other water-based pens and prevents it from creating one giant mess.  I don’t know if it’s just my luck or if others have had a similar experience but the Micron tips tend to fray and soften a lot quicker than the other brands.

Uni Pin Fineliner 0.05

Before I discovered any of the pens I’ve mentioned, Uni Pin was actually the one I used a lot.  Perhaps it was because it was introduced to us in our high school art classes but it’s extremely sturdy. Like the Micron and Staedtler pens, Uni Pins are archival, waterproof and permanent.  I have not had a Uni Pin’s nib go bad on me up to its very last drop of ink.

This list is not absolute and base it solely on the brands I’ve come across. Some people can produce stellar and jaw-dropping work using even just an ordinary blue Bic ballpen.  It’s absolutely inspiring!  Do experiment with different types and see what fits best with your choice materials and imagination.

Other than those I’ve mentioned, what pens do you use for drawing?

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5 Reasons Why It’s Okay To Not Be An Artist Right Away

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I thought I missed the boat forever when I forgot to take my university entrance exams for a degree in fine arts. Yes, I forgot.

Okay, I’m saving that story for an excruciatingly embarrassing post at another time.

Anyway, I learned years later that life does find a way of pulling you back: to your authentic self, your true calling. From the time I lamented in 1993 that I’ll never be a professional artist ’til I started painting for a living again in 2013, life happened.

A lot of it, actually.

And here are five reasons why I am grateful that I became a self-taught working artist in my very late 30s.

1. I learned to get my ass kicked early on.

Banking is, perhaps, the one career I am glad I tried, albeit short lived. I learned to be time-sensitive and organised, go through things with a fine-toothed comb, and observe business protocol when dealing with clients from all walks of life.

If there is one gem of a take-away I carried with me ever since, it would be “trader’s word” a.k.a “my word is my bond.”

And that is how I conduct all my transactions in all my endeavours.

I honestly think this is what spells the difference between artists and professional artists.

2.  Working in different jobs means being exposed to all sorts of characters.

I am probably one of the few who have had fantastic bosses along the way.  But I’ve also had my fair share of lousy encounters and attitude from co-workers whom I now consider an insignificant value in my life’s total equation.

When I started going solo, I got taken advantage of quite a number of times, from clients who suddenly disappear when you start to collect payment (or clients who simply never paid)  to fellow artists who don’t conduct themselves ethically.

Nonetheless, the experience shaped me into someone made of sterner stuff,  with the foresight to always take the high road notwithstanding the frustration that comes with it.

Oh, and another thing. Working in different jobs means building your personal network by organically meeting various people who are not artists. What does this mean for you? Well, simple.  You have an audience who can potentially be your client who will support you and buy your art 🙂

3.  I learned to be real and I learned to be humble.

As an artist, I tend to live in a colorful nirvana in my head.  Having been exposed to a great number of people through the myriad of jobs,  I learned to live in the real world.  This means:

That I won’t get my way all the time.

That I have rent and bills to pay.

That the going does get tough on some days.

That people are allowed to disagree.

That I don’t know what I don’t know.

That there are people who won’t like me.

And that in order to make my dreams come true, I need to be willing to get my hands dirty, swallow my pride and simply do the work.

4. I learned to talk about money.

Enough with that “starving artist” mentality.  Working in less dreamy and romantic careers meant talking about things that can make you uncomfortable.

Like money.

Work is work and thus needs compensation that lives up to industry standards.  And just like any skill, your time and energy deserve to be paid, no task too small.

Because you earned it.

Learning to discuss it tactfully, however, is an art that you master over time.

5.  I learned to protect myself.

Contracts. In writing. Always.

With the wisdom and discipline I managed to pick up along the way, I now bring so much more to the table than just skill and imagination.

I learned that making beautiful things is a gift, but to be reliable and trustworthy as an artist (and as a regular human being) is to be a gift.

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Happy 50th Birthday, Singapore!

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I am grateful to call Singapore home for almost 5 years now. Today, we celebrate with the Little Red Dot as it celebrates its Golden Jubilee. This is the country where I renewed and continue to grow my calling as an artist, where friends are family, and where I commune daily with nature and a multitude of people from different cultures.

You are inspiring, Singapore.

My First Art Giveaway On Instagram For 2015!

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instagram giveaway


Care for a little art print giveaway on Instagram?

It’s my first for 2015 and my way of saying a heartfelt “thank you” for your incredible support and inspiring words that helped me start somewhere.

To enter & receive this A4 art print, simply:

1. FOLLOW @thejarofsalt on Instagram, and

2. TAG a friend in the comments section of this post on Instagram . That’s all!

There will be TWO winners: you AND the friend you tagged.

You can enter more than once!

Winners will be announced FRIDAY July 10 (9am EST). Framing and clips not included.

Have a fun weekend everyone!


Are You On Instagram?

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jar of salt


Been working on fixing up myself on my social media account lately. And after deleting HUNDREDS of photos, changing my handle (I don’t even know why I chose a different name on Instagram in the first place), and fixing my bio, I think I am set.

If you’re on Instagram, pop in and say “hi”! It would be nice to hear from you 🙂

Happy weekend everyone!