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Talk About The Hard Things | Suicide Prevention Week

By September 11, 2018 February 3rd, 2019 No Comments

In a span of three years, three of my neighbours reportedly chose to leap to their deaths. It’s a jarring fact, that people I don’t personally know but are at such close proximity, human beings I may have shared a lift with or bumped into coming and going, tragically ran out of reasons to wake up to another morning.

It’s International Suicide Prevention Week. It’s time to open this dialogue, talk about the hard things and keep the conversation going. With social media, it’s so very easy to think that everyone’s lives and relationships are all rainbows, sparkly things and IG-worthy. We all know that’s not true, but it’s always easy to forget.

Please, stay connected to another living soul. Meet up or call a friend, knock on your neighbor’s door, talk to a stranger on the train, and/or seek professional help. And if you feel someone is in a dark place or going through tough times, surprise them with a call or a chat just to see how their day is going. It could mean the world to someone and can literally save a life.

Contact the following for professional support:

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